Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Should we post wine scores in the store?

I often talk about people chasing wine scores in order to get the so-called best wine they can find. While many of these wines have been rated by a critic who will give them a point between 1 and 100, I have come to the conclusion that my shop will not have these points posted. Just this weekend, I overheard a wine shop owner (yes, I visit a lot of different wine shops and a few are even owned by friends) saying that this certain wine was great cause it got 94 points! I wanted to ask: "Why is it that great?" and "If they had tasted it yet?" I did happen to know that particular wine and its quality, but I was curious if that was the only reason it was on the shelf?

I used to work in a wine shop years ago where the manager would walk around with her Parker book like it was the Bible and tell people that this wine got this score, and that this wine over here got this, but I always wanted to know what she (the manager) thought of it.

I have always followed this rule since I got into the wine world that you should never lie to your customers, and if they know more than you, pick their brain. Just because I own a wine shop does not mean I know everything. God do I wish, but there is so much to learn and it will take a lifetime for me to learn it. While visiting other wine shops I have been called on to answer a question from a customer and if I know the answer, I'll do it but if I have no clue...I'll tell them or take my best educated guess!

Next time you walk into a wine shop, look around and take note of the scores that are on the shelves. Is that wine merchant selling his own personal wine thoughts or is he using another's? Do you walk in and say, "Hey, I'm looking for a nice 94 pointer?" or do you say "I'm looking for a nice wine that will go with fried SPAM?". Yes, Spam...I can pair it with an amazing wine that will taste great.

When you go into a wine shop, would you rather see a point score near a wine or a personal tasting note from the staff, owner or even a customer of the shop?

15 days and counting.


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